Clients are able to benefit from Orbit’s MTO, CNSC and CCIL certified laboratories which provide high accuracy test results at competitive prices. Clients are able to utilize services provided by Orbit to a variety of markets including, but not limited to: Infrastructure, Institutional, Educational, Architectural, Civil Engineering and Planning, Developer and General Contracting in the Public and Private sectors.

Orbit’s in-house laboratory (concrete, asphalt, soils and aggregate labs) as well as all our sub-contractor laboratories to be used for all laboratory testing are fully certified and equipped with all the necessary equipment required to complete the testing requirement of the City’s project. Orbit’s in-house laboratory are certified in the following fields:

CCIL Aggregate Laboratory Certification Program for Aggregate Quality Control Laboratory Type ‘C’ (LS-600; LS-601/C-117; LS-602; LS-607; LS-608; LS-621) and Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory Type ‘D’ (LS-604/C127/T85; LS-605/T84; LS-706/0698; LS-702; LS-703,704/D4318; LS-70)

CCIL Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories-CSA Standard A283-19 – Type ‘Q’ (CSA A23.2-1 C, 3C, 4C, SC, 9C, AND 17C, WITH ADDITIONAL TESTS: 18, 14C AND 19C) and Type ‘R’ (CSA A23.2-1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, SA, 6A, 7A, 10A, 12A, AND 13A, WITH ADDITIONAL TESTS: 11A)

CCIL Asphalt Laboratory Superpave – LS-313/T312, LS-262/D2726, LS-264/D3203 and LS-265/D3203. 

CCIL Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory Marshall Method – LS-600, LS-601/C117, LS-602, LS-604/T85, LS-605/T84, LS-607 and LS-608.  

•CCIL Asphalt Laboratory Certification HMA Marshall - LS-261, LS-262/D2726, LS-263/D6927, LS-264, LS-282, LS-292/D6307 and LS-287.

MTO Vendor List for Engineering Materials Testing and Evaluation for Soil and Rock including Testing for Foundation Engineering – Low Complexity. 

MTO Approved List for Tensile Bond, Total Chloride, Compressive Strength,  RCPT, Grout/Mortar Testing.  Orbit also has extensive experience in dowel pull-out testing on MTO Bridges for Quality Assurance projects 

Orbit has extensive experience in Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in Compression Testing  

Geotechnical & Pavement
Concrete Technology
Laboratory Testing
Inspection and Testing


Water Resources

Building Science & Land Surveying