Projects Page Under Construction

January 10, 2022

Orbit now has the capability to laboratory test Superpave and provide Asphalt Mix Designs:

CCIL Asphalt Laboratory Superpave – LS-313/T312, LS-262/D2726, LS-264/D3203 and LS-265/D3203.  

CCIL Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory Marshall Method – LS-600, LS-601/C117, LS-602, LS-604/T85, LS-605/T84, LS-607 and LS-608.  

September 30, 2020

Orbit has successfully completed the MTO Proficiency Test Programme for Total Chloride Testing.

August 28, 2020

Orbit Laboratory has added in a complete Asphalt Laboratory and now has the capability to perform HMA Marshall - LS-261, LS-262/D2726, LS-263/D6927, LS-264, LS-282, LS-292/D6307 and LS-287.

August 13, 2019

Orbit has now the capability to perform Tensile Bond Testing and has successfully completed the MTO Proficiency Test Programme.